Logdy new version announcement: v0.16
Context menu
We've implemented a context menu in the main table component. It boosts productivity by providing shortcuts to a few key actions like copying a cell value or column name. You can also control which facets are active in filtering from the same place. Read more in the docs.
Allow raw HTML in table cell
On of the users had a particular request to be able to embed a custom html within a cell. We spiked that idea and the results are pretty interesting! It opens an entire new space for customizing the content table. Read more in the docs.
Selected facets are displayed on top
Since this version we've made a decision that selected facets will be pulled to the top. This comes as an enhancement when dealing with long lists where selected facets can quickly get lost.
Update version banner
As a away to keep our users up to date with latest news on Logdy development we're now displaying a banner at the top whenever there is an update available. This functionality will not work when --no-updates
flag is used. Read more in the docs.
Breser update (minor fixes)
We fixed a few minor bugs in Breser expression language.