Watch out! You're reading a series of articles
- Logging Best Practices Series: What to log?
Ready to transform your logs from a wall of gibberish into your most valuable debugging ally?
- (currently reading) Logging Best Practices Series: Logging levels
The Good, The Bad, and The "Why Is This in Production?"
- Logging Best Practices Series: Logging formats
From Chaos to Structure
- Logging Best Practices Series: Contextual logging
Ever tried to debug an issue where a request passes through five different services, ten different methods, and you have no idea which logs belong to which request?
Logging Levels: The Good, The Bad, and The "Why Is This in Production?"
Production was down, and I was staring at logs that looked like this:
console.log("Starting process...")
Somewhere between "Starting" and "Done", our payment processing system had failed, affecting thousands of users, and I had absolutely no idea why. That's when I learned the hard way about the importance of proper logging levels.
The Five Levels of Logging Enlightenment
Think of log levels like spice levels at a Thai restaurant - you need the right amount for the right situation. Let's break them down with some real TypeScript examples:
1. DEBUG: The "I'm Just Curious" Level
class PaymentProcessor {
async processPayment(payment: Payment) {
logger.debug(`Starting payment processing for ID: ${}`, {
amount: payment.amount,
currency: payment.currency,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
// Processing logic here...
logger.debug('Payment validation steps completed', {
validationResults: results,
processingTime: elapsed
Use DEBUG when you're in detective mode. It's like those behind-the-scenes DVD extras - interesting during development, but you don't need them in the final cut.
2. INFO: The "Everything's Fine" Level
class UserAuthService {
async login(username: string) {'User login successful', {
user: username,
loginTime: new Date().toISOString(),
ipAddress: request.ip
INFO is for tracking normal operations. It's like those "Your package has been delivered" notifications - useful to know, but not something to wake you up at night for.
3. WARNING: The "Hmm, That's Weird" Level
class DatabaseConnection {
async query(sql: string) {
try {
const result = await this.execute(sql);
if (this.connectionPool.available < 3) {
logger.warn('Database connection pool running low', {
availableConnections: this.connectionPool.available,
sql: sql.substring(0, 100) // Don't log entire queries!
return result;
} catch (error) {
// More severe error handling...
WARN is for those "Check engine" light moments - something's not quite right, but your car hasn't exploded... yet.
4. ERROR: The "Houston, We Have a Problem" Level
class PaymentGateway {
async processTransaction(transaction: Transaction) {
try {
return await this.gateway.charge(transaction);
} catch (error) {
logger.error('Payment processing failed', {
error: error.message,
errorCode: error.code,
stackTrace: error.stack,
// Never log full card details!
lastFourDigits: transaction.card.lastFour
throw error;
ERROR is for when things actually break. Like when your code tries to divide by zero, or when that "definitely tested" feature meets real users.
5. CRITICAL: The "Wake Everyone Up" Level
class SystemMonitor {
checkDiskSpace() {
const freeSpace = this.getDiskSpace();
if (freeSpace.percentage < 1) {
logger.critical('SYSTEM CRITICAL: Disk space nearly exhausted', {
freeSpacePercent: freeSpace.percentage,
freeSpaceBytes: freeSpace.bytes,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
affectedServices: this.getAffectedServices()
// Initiate emergency cleanup or notification
CRITICAL is for those "wake up the CTO" moments. Like when your disk is full, your database is down, or someone deployed straight to production on a Friday afternoon.
Real Talk: When to Use What
Here's my practical guide after years of 3 AM debugging sessions:
DEBUG: Use it liberally in development, but sparingly in production. It's like developer commentary - fascinating for you, boring for everyone else.
INFO: Perfect for tracking business events and flow. Want to know how many users logged in today? INFO is your friend.
WARNING: Use for "soft" errors and potential issues. Like when that API you're calling is getting a bit slow, or when someone tries to log in with "password123".
ERROR: For all those "this shouldn't happen" moments that, inevitably, do happen. If you need to fix something, it should be an ERROR.
CRITICAL: Reserve this for the real disasters. If you're logging more than a few CRITICAL events per month, you're either being too dramatic or you have bigger problems to solve.
The Golden Rules of Log Levels
Be Consistent: If a failed payment is an ERROR, it should always be an ERROR. Don't play log level roulette.
Context is King: Don't just log "Error occurred" - include enough context to understand what happened without having to reproduce the issue.
Think About Scale: What's useful when debugging locally might be overwhelming in production. Use log levels to control the noise.
Remember that one time I mentioned the 2 AM debugging session? Well, after implementing proper log levels, a similar issue occurred, but this time our logs told us exactly what went wrong:
[2024-01-15T02:00:01.123Z] ERROR Payment processing failed {
"transactionId": "tx_123",
"errorCode": "GATEWAY_TIMEOUT",
"retryCount": 3,
"gatewayResponse": "Connection refused"
Five minutes later, we had identified the issue (a gateway timeout), fixed it (increased the timeout threshold), and I was back in bed. That's the power of proper log levels.
Logging levels aren't just about categorizing messages - they're about telling a story that helps you understand what your application is doing, especially when things go wrong. Use them wisely, and your future self (probably at 2 AM) will thank you.
Watch out! You're reading a series of articles
- Logging Best Practices Series: What to log?
Ready to transform your logs from a wall of gibberish into your most valuable debugging ally?
- (currently reading) Logging Best Practices Series: Logging levels
The Good, The Bad, and The "Why Is This in Production?"
- Logging Best Practices Series: Logging formats
From Chaos to Structure
- Logging Best Practices Series: Contextual logging
Ever tried to debug an issue where a request passes through five different services, ten different methods, and you have no idea which logs belong to which request?