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This page describes the CLI commands and different options when running Logdy binary.


--verbose, -v - Verbose logs.

Analytics opt-out

--no-analytics - Opt-out from sending anonymous analytical data that help improve this product.

Append to file

--append-to-file=xxxxx - A path to a file where log messages should be appended. When this option is set all of the log messages that Logdy instance receives will be stored. This option is useful if you would like to replay the logs, especially if the logs are coming from multiple sources. The messages will be stored as JSON lines with metadata attached.

Append to file in a raw format

--append-to-file-raw - When this flag is present, raw log messages will be stored within a file without any additional metadata.

Api Key

--api-key=xxxx - API key to be used when communicating with Logdy through the API

New versions check opt-out

--no-updates, -u Logdy will by default check external API ( for updates. Only metadata containing information about the new version will be fetched. You can skip this check, by adding the above option, if you don't want Logdy to check for new versions.

Webserver port

--port=8080 - Port on which the Web UI will be served.

Full file read (only with follow mode)

--full-read - Will read all of the files contents into buffer before starting to follow new lines added.

Webserver IP

--ui-ip= - IP on which the Web UI will be served. Useful to bind to external IP interface on a remote machine to make Logdy UI be able to serve on a public network.

IP (used with forward and socket mode only)

--ip=xxxx - IP address to listen to, leave empty to listen on all IP addresses.

Disable ANSI code sequence stripping

--disable-ansi-code-stripping - By default, Logdy will strip all ANSI code sequences (code that style the terminal output: bolding, color change, etc.).

For example the following line will be printed in the terminal like this:

"This is a string with \033[31mred\033[0m text and \033[1mbold\033[0m formatting."

This is a string with red text and bold formatting

The ANSI code sequences are ignored by Logdy and the line will be read as:

"This is a string with red text and bold formatting."

UI access passphrase

--ui-pass=xxxx - The prompt will be displayed to a user when accessing the UI for the first time.

Config file path

--config - A path to a file where Layout settings in JSON format are stored. These setting will be loaded for every UI client and will overwrite the current settings.

Bulk message interval

--bulk-window - (default: 100) A number of milliseconds during which log messages will be added to a bulk, after that duration expires, all messages will be sent to the UI. Bulking messages helps with high intensity log streams, instead of sending each log message separately, Logdy will send them in bulks which improves UI performance.

Max buffer message count

--max-message-count - determines the maximum number of messages that will reside in the buffer. Buffer is an ordered FIFO queue with a fixed size. Read more

Output fallthrough

--fallthrough, -t - Print what has been forwarded or consumed by Logdy.

Assume a following app.js file

console.log("foo bar")
process.stderr.write("error! some error occurred\n")

Running it with --fallthrough option will have the following effect

$ node app.js | logdy --fallthrough

INFO[...] Listening to stdout/stderr
INFO[...] WebUI started, visit http://localhost:8080    port=8080
foo bar
error! some error occurred

The above setup will print both stdout and stderr of the node app.js to the respective output stream (stdout -> stdout, stderr -> stderr).

Demo mode - sample data format (demo mode only)

--sample-text - only used with demo mode, will the sample log lines produced will be raw text instead of JSON