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Quick start

Install using script

The command below will download the latest release and add the executable to your system's PATH. You can also use it to update Logdy.

$ curl | sh

Download reporting

We're tracking the number of downloads by sending an empty request to which exposes the IP of the machine you're installing Logdy on. If you wish no to do it, use the other install script which skips the reporting.

$ curl | sh

Install with Homebrew (MacOS)

On MacOS you can use homebrew to install Logdy.

$ brew install logdy

Download precompiled binary

Enter release page on Github and select recent release. Download a precompiled binary.

# For Linux (x86)
# For MacOS (ARM)
# Add Logdy to PATH:

More compliation target

You can find more precompiled libraries on the Github release page. We always always build for the following OS and architecture: linux/amd64 windows/386 windows/amd64 darwin/amd64 darwin/arm64 linux/arm64

MacOS users

On MacOS you may need to pull the binary out of quarantine.

xattr -d /path/to/binary

You may need to run it with sudo

Add Logdy to PATH (optional, but useful)


You can skip this step if you installed Logdy with an script or Homebrew.

Adding Logdy to PATH makes the whole experience a lot more fun.

Start the process

$ any command that prints to STDOUT | logdy
# Example
$ tail -f logs.log | logdy


There are other modes in which you can run Logdy, these modes allow you to setup multiple sources of logs that stream output into a single Logdy UI instance


Your downloaded library will have a different name, for example logdy-core_darwin_arm64. You can safely change it.

Remote IP logging

By default Logdy can reveal the IP of the machine and the address of the UI. You can turn this completely off by using --no-updates --no-analytics flags when running. Read more in CLI Reference.

You should see the following output

INFO[...] Command                                       cmd="tail -f logs.log"
INFO[...] Listening to stdout/stderr
WARN[...] No opt-out from analytics, we'll be receiving anonymous usage data, which will be used to improve the product. To opt-out use the flag --no-analytics.
INFO[...] WebUI started, visit http://localhost:8080    port=8080

Last line of the log will inform you about the address you need to visit to open the Web UI

WebUI started, visit http://localhost:8080    port=8080

Once you see the empty Web UI, that means everything is working! Web UI

Demo mode

If you would like to start even faster, you can check the Demo mode or visit to see how Logdy works.

Read blog posts

Visit our Blog and learn interesting use-cases of Logdy.


Updating Logdy is simple and straightforward, just repeat the steps you took to install Logdy. You can either use an installation script, Homebrew command or a precompiled library