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type Message = {
     * A random identifier for a message
    id: string,
     * Whether a log was produced as STDOUT (=1) or STDERR (=2)
    log_type: number,
     * Raw content of the log line
    content: string,
     * If the content is in json format, 
     * this field will be automatically populated with the parsed value
    json_content?: any,
     * Specifies whether the 'content' field is in json format
    is_json: boolean,
     * A UNIX timestamp in milliseconds for when the message was received by Logdy
    ts: number,
     * A numerical key by which all of the messages will be ordered. Setting this key is useful
     * when you're dealing with multiple sources of logs and want them ordered, 
     * for example by the timestamp, then you can assign the timestamp value as this key.
    order_key?: number,
     * Specifies the origin of the message
    origin?: {
         * Origin port number
        port: string
         * Origin file name with path
        file: string,
         * Origin of the message coming from the API
        api_source: string
     * Special styles that will be applied to entire row
     * of the table. For example { "background": "red" }, will make the whole row
     * background red.
    style?: object,
     * A correlation identifier used to trace log messages that belongs to the same transaction 
     * (chain of requests between components within a system).
    correlation_id?: string,
     * This object can be filled with values that represent timings 
     * of the event represented by the particular log line.
     * All of the value must be positive numbers. 
     * There is no defined unit.
    timing?: {
         * Represents a start of the event
        start: number,
         * Represents an end of the event
        end?: number,
         * Represents a duration of the event. In case an 'end' is present
         * this field will be ignored.
        duration?: number,
         * The message to present when hovering over block in trace view
        label?: string,
         * Styles to be applied to a particular trace
        style?: {
             * Background style
            backgroundColor?: string,
             * Border style
            border?: string,
             * Font color
            color?: string,


type CellHandler = {
     * The value that will be presented in the table cell or log drawer
    text: string,
     * Whether the value is in JSON format
     * if so, a better formatting will be applied in the Log drawer
    isJson?: boolean,
     * Special styles that will be applied to a particular cell
     * in the table. For example { "background": "red" }, will make the cell
     * background red.
    style?: object,
     * A list of Facets that for a particular line
    facets?: Facet[],
     * Whether 'text' is allowed to contain HTML tags.
     * Setting it to 'true' is danger since the string will be interpreted as HTML
     * and opens a vulnerability for XSS attacks.
    allowHtmlInText?: boolean


type Facet = {
     * A facet name, will be used to group values under same label
    name: string,
     * A facet value, will be used to automatically build filters
    value: string


This is a signature type of a function that is used in middlewares

type RowHandlerFn = (line: Message) => Message | void


This is a signature type of a function that is for producing column values

type CellHandlerFn = (line: Message) => CellHandler

Aditional libraries


You can use moment library anywhere in the code snippets