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This feature is supported since version 0.10.0


In order to display the traces, you must fill the Correlation IDs


Traces visualization in Logdy allows for easy review of the correlated events on a graphical timeline. The view is activated once you filter Correlated events.

An additional column will be added to the logs tables. Each line will be represented by a block on a timeline. The timeline is created based on relative values derived from the first and last log messages. The width of the block is represented by the duration, which is also relative.

You can change the relative width of the whole timeline along with block's width by changing the resolution.

Trace metadata

To properly draw a timeline, Logdy requires a few data points to be provided with every log message (refer to Code reference).

  • start of the event. This should be a positive number, there are no requirements regarding the unit, it could be seconds, milliseconds, etc.
  • duration provided as an absolute number or end (unit similar as start) provided as a number relative to start (which means start < end). The unit of duration is also arbitrary.
  • optionally a label that will determine the content displayed within a block.


When drawing a timeline of traces, Logdy will compare the difference between start values of the first and last log message. That absolute number will be fit on the screen no matter how big or small. Similar with the duration the number will be relative the width of the whole timeline.

Below is an example of the timing object setup in a middleware.

(line: Message): Message | void => {
    line.timing = {
        start: parseInt(line.json_content.unix),
        duration: parseInt(line.json_content.duration),
        label: `${line.json_content.duration}ms`,
    line.correlation_id = line.json_content.correlation_id
    return line;

Example trace

Styling trace blocks

Additionally, you can supply some styles to each trace block. By default, trace blocks will have the same color and border, however, you can customize it by providing a style property in a timing object. This way, depending on the log line you can change their appearance.

(line: Message): Message | void => {
    line.timing = {
        start: parseInt(line.json_content.unix),
        duration: parseInt(line.json_content.duration),
        label: `${line.json_content.duration}ms`,
        style: {
            backgroundColor: "#fe7f2d",
            border: "1px solid #fcca46",
            color: "#233d4d"
    line.correlation_id = line.json_content.correlation_id
    return line;